Kavi Duvvoori - Placeholder Website / Portfolio

Construction sign saying 'Under Construction' with a blinking red light, between traffic cones

This website will be made soon, with some intention and attention, css & js. I am a PhD candidate in English at the University of Waterloo on the Haldimand tract. I work on computational rhetoric from a variety of perspectives, and write some electronic literature. This frontpage url previously hosted the Titled, "Untitled" [TODO: LINK BROKEN SINCE XWIKI CAN'T HANDLE PATH PREFIXES] project wiki but will soon be my personal website & portfolio instead.

Here's some of my involvements:

I hope to share some of my (non /creation) research here soon. I am working on a study of LLMs abilities to reproduce rhetorical figures and linguistic constructions in light of human neurocognitive affinities; and an exploration of "mycellial" algorithms in light of queer and feminist media studies as alternatives or resistant spaces to retain good forms of safety, situated-ness, and plurality as hyper-scale linguistic automation collapses contexts and causes harms.

Here's some of my creative work:

Two Bios

Kavi Duvvoori is a PhD candidate at the University of Waterloo in English. Their research in computational rhetoric focuses on the impacts of algorithmic mediation on communication. It includes an empirical study of large textual models abilities to process the form and meaning of rhetorical figures and linguistic constructions in light of human neurocognitive affinities; a study of the assumptions of identity and embodiment in algorithmic voice synthesis in relation to the theories of the elocutionary movement; and a research / creation project drawing on queer media studies to develop tactics that defend plurality, participation, and fluidity in algorithmically mediated language.

Kavi Duvvoori is a writer (and other things) currently based in Kitchener, Ontario, on the Haldimand tract. Their interests include experimental and constrained literature, birds, borders, speculative fiction, lists, linguistics, the limits of language, math, worldbuilding, infrastructures, the search for ways of living that reject hierarchy and domination, sauteing, maps, and evasiveness. They have published a couple small pieces in online publications and fear the enclosure of language itself.

Here's some cool things I read or played or watched (endorsement but no affiliation):